This is a simple one, yet so delicious.
You only use the floor of the oven.


Oven temperature can vary from 200 to 250 degrees
Place the peppers and eggplants directly on the oven floor
Turn as the fire blisters the skin of the peppers and eggplants
Once cooked, peel and dress to your liking


2 x large peppers
2 x large eggplants



Using a large terracotta dish heat up olive oil, sauté the garlic then add the spices and cook out for a minute.
Add the chorizo and cook for a further few minutes
Then add the beans followed by the crushed tomatoes. Leave in oven for at least 10 minutes for all of the flavours to develop.
Once the liquid has reduced crack your two eggs on the top of your stew returning to the oven to cook the eggs watching them as you only want the yolks to be just set.
When ready finish with crumbling fetta on top with a drizzle of olive oil.


2 x large eggs
1 x tin drained cannellini beans
1 x small piece Persian feta
2 x tins crushed tomatoes
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 x small chorizo diced
1 x crushed garlic clove
Olive oil



Oven 200° C Low flame
Pre boil your potatoes in salted water until tender, marinate in olive oil sea salt and rosemary.
Rub the chicken with olive oil, paprika and salt until it creates a paste on the chicken
Place the chicken laying flat skin side down on a large roasting tray
Place all the potatoes around the chicken and put in the the oven for 45 min to 1 hr
When chicken is cooked remove from oven, and place the potatoes aside. Flip your chicken skin side up on your roasting tray.
Throw a small piece of kindling on your fire to create a small flame to crisp your skin.
Add the chicken back to the oven watching closely while the skin crisps up.


1 x large chicken butterflied
Hot smoked paprika
Olive oil
Sea salt
500g chat potatoes (pre boiled)



Clean and debeard the fresh mussels with a butter knife or hard brush and put aside.
Olive oil, grated garlic cloves in the pot and place it in a hot Polito oven 300C° for 40 seconds.
Add the tomato passata gently, pinch of salt and cracked pepper to season, place back in oven for 5 minutes.
Cook the mussels for 3 minutes in a separate aluminium pan or tray with 1/4 cup of white wine and a pinch of salt, chilli and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Add the mussels and the liquid in the tomato passata and cook for another 8 minutes.
Toast the bread in the wood fire oven and garnish the mussels with parsley and if you like drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and serve.


Mussels, rustic bread, garnish

400g of local fresh Mussels
Fresh parsley
300ml tomato passata
2 grated cloves of garlic
1/4 cup of white wine
1 x tomato
Touch of chilli
Terracotta cooking or aluminium wood fire oven pot



Oven heat: 200-250 degrees
Heat the olive oil in pan to smoking hot.
Flour your cheese, so it is completely covered in flour. Your cheese needs to be at least 1cm thick.
Add the cheese to the pan carefully, it will only need a minute each side.
Once your cheese is golden brown and soft, drain off excess oil and add lemon juice to the cheese and some parsley.
Serve in the hot pan and eat quickly while it’s still hot.


1 x thick piece of hard cheese (caciocavallo, provolone, parmesan)
Flour for dusting
1 x Lemon
1 x Bunch of parsley
2 tbsp olive oil



Season flour with salt & pepper
Dust sardines in flour
Heat a heavy based pan with a metal handle with 4 tbsp of olive oil
When the oil is hot add sardines, leave on one side for 3 minutes then flip them over
Add garlic, oregano, fresh chilli and juice from lemon for another minute
Plate with fresh parsley & salt


6 x Fresh grilled sardines
2 x Cloves garlic
Pinch of dry oregano
1 x Fresh chilli sliced
½ Lemon
Parsley leaves to finish
Plain flour for dusting



Oven temp 280 degrees – a small flame
Marinate your chicken in your sriracha sauce & leave in the fridge for at least 24hrs
Take chicken & place in a plastic freezer bag with enough potato starch to coat each piece
Warm in a heavy bottom pan 2cm of peanut oil close to the opening of the oven
When the oil is hot add chicken pieces one at a time and place back in the oven
Turn chicken after 10min or when golden brown, cook for further 10 min remove from oil and rest chicken under foil for 5min
To plate place chicken on plate finishing with fresh coriander leaves & crispy shallots


500g Chicken drumsticks
Japanese Siracha sauce
Potato starch
Fried shallots
Fresh coriander
Peanut oil for frying



Oven temp 300 degrees small to medium flame 350 degrees
Pre-cook your linguine in salted boiling water until al dente
Heat your heavy-based pan in your oven, then add olive oil, garlic and saute until golden
Discard ½ olive oil and add your pasta, warm through
Once pasta has warmed through remove from your oven adding pesto and tossing pasta until pasta is fully coated in pesto
Plate your pasta finishing with basil and toasted pine nuts


500g pre-cooked to al dente linguine
3 sliced garlic cloves
4 Tbsp olive oil
20g toasted pine nuts
Fresh basil
100g fresh pesto



Oven temp 280 degrees – 300 degrees low-medium flame
Dry your pork belly with a paper towel, rub skin side with salt & let rest overnight
Place pork belly on your chopping board, wipe off excess salt add 3 Tbls of apple cider vinegar to the skin side only
On the meat side of your pork massage olive oil, salt & pepper then you’re going to make a crust on the same side with your herb-garlic mixture by pressing it into the meat
Add a piece of non-stick baking paper to a frying pan as big as your piece of pork, add a drizzle of olive oil to the paper and add your pork skin side down & add your pan to the oven, let cook until the skin has become crispy
Once you have turned your pork & skin is now side up, cover with baking paper & then foil and cook for one hour
Check your pork – if it’s tender it’s ready, if not continue cooking for a further 20min until tender
For the last portion of the cooking, throw a small log or kindling on your fire to make a flame, then remove the foil and let the pork skin crisp up. Keep an eye out – it can burn very quickly
Once crispy let rest under same foil & tea towels for 20min, then enjoy
Pork Belly
Linguine Pesto
Korean Style Wood Fried Chicken
Grilled Sardines
Fried Cheese
Mussels From The Oven
Paprika Roast Chicken with Potatoes
Baked Eggs and Feta
Simple Peppers & Eggplant


1kg piece of pork belly (skin scored by the butcher)
Apple cider vinegar
½ bunch rosemary
Parsley roughly chopped
Sage roughly chopped
½ bulb sliced garlic

Easy Pizza Dough


Using a bowl mix yeast in luke warm water with a fork for half minute, add half of the amount of mixed salt/flour and continue mixing. Keep on adding all the remaining flour. Work the dough with your hand in the bowl and finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Dough should be soft, leave it the bowl for a couple of hours in a warm place covered with a damp cloth.
Tip: prepare dough a day before, roll it out in balls of aprox 200gr and rest them in the fridge covered with cling wrap “don’t forget to brush them with oil over the top for not to stick to cling wrap, remove from fridge or freezer an hour before to thaw correctly”.


600 gr of good quality flour adding a table spoon of salt
400 ml of water
7 gr dry yeast
Touch of e.v.o.

wood fired oven


outdoor pizza oven


FIAL 2.fw


wood fired pizza oven melbourne